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The actual capabilities that Zarf Packages provide are defined within named components.

These components define what dependencies they have along with a declarative definition of how they should be deployed.

Each package can have as many components as the package creator wants but a package isn’t anything without at least one component.

There are certain fields that will be common across all component definitions. These fields are:

Field Type Description
name * string The name of the component
cosignKeyPath string [Deprecated] Specify a path to a public key to validate signed online resources. This will be removed in Zarf v1.0.0.
default boolean Determines the default Y/N state for installing this component on package deploy
description string Message to include during package deploy describing the purpose of this component
group string [Deprecated] Create a user selector field based on all components in the same group. This will be removed in Zarf v1.0.0. Consider using 'only.flavor' instead.
import object Import a component from another Zarf package
only object Filter when this component is included in package creation or deployment
required boolean Do not prompt user to install this component
* Required field

Field Type Description
actions object Custom commands to run at various stages of a package lifecycle

Component actions are explored in the component actions documentation.

Field Type Description
files array Files or folders to place on disk during package deployment

Files can be:

  • Relative paths to either a file or directory (from the zarf.yaml file)
  • A remote URL (http/https)
  • Verified using the shasum field for data integrity (optional and only available for files)
- name: on-deploy-with-template-use-of-variable
# this file will be copied to the target location and the cat, dog, and snake sounds will be replaced with their values
# requires the on-deploy-with-dynamic-variable and on-deploy-with-multiple-variables components
- source: test.txt
target: test-templated.txt
shasum: 3c0404e0c767ace905c361fadded6c4b91fdb88aa07d5c42d2a220a87564836d

Field Type Description
charts array Helm charts to install during package deploy

Charts using the localPath key can be:

  • Relative paths to either a file or directory (from the zarf.yaml file)

Charts using the url key can be:

  • A remote URL (http/https) to a Git repository
  • A remote URL (oci://) to an OCI registry
  • A remote URL (http/https) to a Helm repository
- name: demo-helm-charts
required: true
# Charts are organized in a list with unique chart names per component - note that a Zarf chart name does not need to match the chart name in a Chart.yaml
- name: podinfo-local
version: 6.4.0
namespace: podinfo-from-local-chart
# In this case `localPath` will load the podinfo chart that is located in the `chart` directory
localPath: chart
- values.yaml
# Variables are used to override the default values in the chart
# This can be overridden by the user at deployment time with the `--set` flag
description: "Override the number of pod replicas"
path: replicaCount
- name: podinfo-oci
version: 6.4.0
namespace: podinfo-from-oci
# In this case `url` will load the helm chart located in the podinfo OCI repository
url: oci://
- values.yaml
- name: podinfo-git
version: 6.4.0
namespace: podinfo-from-git
# In this case `url` will load the helm chart located in the podinfo git repository
# By default git will look in the root of the git repository but you can define a sub directory with `gitPath`
gitPath: charts/podinfo
- values.yaml
- name: podinfo-repo
version: 6.4.0
namespace: podinfo-from-repo
# In this case `url` will load the helm chart located in the podinfo helm repository
# By default the chart `name` will be what is used to search a repository but since Zarf chart names must be unique per-component you can override this with `repoName`
repoName: podinfo
# By default the release name will be the chart name, but you can override this with the `releaseName` key
releaseName: cool-release-name
- values.yaml
# This is the cosign signature for the podinfo image for image signature verification
- wait:
kind: deployment
name: podinfo-local
namespace: podinfo-from-local-chart
condition: available
- wait:
kind: deployment
name: podinfo-oci
namespace: podinfo-from-oci
condition: available
- wait:
kind: deployment
name: podinfo-git
namespace: podinfo-from-git
condition: available
- wait:
kind: deployment
name: cool-release-name-podinfo
namespace: podinfo-from-repo
condition: available
# YAML keys starting with `x-` are custom keys that are ignored by the Zarf CLI
# The `x-mdx` key is used to render the markdown content for
x-mdx: |
This example shows the many ways you can deploy Helm Charts with Zarf. To learn more about how `charts` work in Zarf, see the [Helm Charts section](/ref/components/#helm-charts) of the package components documentation.

Field Type Description
manifests array Kubernetes manifests to be included in a generated Helm chart on package deploy

Manifests under the files key can be:

  • Relative paths to a Kubernetes manifest file (from the zarf.yaml file)
  • Verified using the url@shasum syntax for data integrity (optional and only for remote URLs)

Manifests under the kustomizations key can be:

  • Any valid Kustomize reference both local and remote (ie. anything you could do a kustomize build on)
- name: httpd-local
required: true
- name: simple-httpd-deployment
namespace: httpd
# local manifests are specified relative to the `zarf.yaml` that uses them:
- httpd-deployment.yaml
# the following checks were computed by viewing the success state of the package deployment
# and creating `wait` actions that match
- wait:
kind: deployment
name: httpd-deployment
namespace: httpd
condition: "{.status.readyReplicas}=2"
# image discovery is supported in all manifests and charts using:
# zarf prepare find-images
- httpd:alpine3.18

Field Type Description
images array List of OCI images to include in the package

Images can either be discovered manually, or automatically by using zarf dev find-images.

- name: flux
description: Installs the flux CRDs / controllers to use flux-based deployments in the cluster
required: true
- name: flux-crds
namespace: flux
- flux-install.yaml

The podinfo-flux example showcases a simple GitOps workflow using Flux and Zarf.

Field Type Description
repos array List of git repos to include in the package
- name: full-repo
# The following performs a full Git Repo Mirror with `go-git` (internal to Zarf)
# The following performs a full Git Repo Mirror forcing a fallback to host `git`

Tag-based git repository cloning is the recommended way of cloning a git repository for air-gapped deployments because it wraps meaning around a specific point in git history that can easily be traced back to the online world. Tag-based clones are defined using the scheme://host/repo@tag format as seen in the example of the defenseunicorns/zarf repository (

A tag-based clone only mirrors the tag defined in the Zarf definition. The tag will be applied on the git mirror to a zarf-specific branch name based on the tag name (e.g. the tag v0.1.0 will be pushed to the zarf-ref-v0.1.0 branch). This ensures that this tag will be pushed and received properly by the airgap git server.

- name: specific-tag
# The following performs a tag Git Repo Mirror with `go-git` (internal to Zarf)
# The following performs a refspec tag Git Repo Mirror with `go-git`
# The following performs a tag Git Repo Mirror forcing a fallback to host `git`

In addition to tags, Zarf also supports cloning and pushing a specific SHA hash from a git repository, but this is not recommended as it is less readable/understandable than tag cloning. Commit SHAs are defined using the same scheme://host/repo@shasum format as seen in the example of the defenseunicorns/zarf repository (

A SHA-based clone only mirrors the SHA hash defined in the Zarf definition. The SHA will be applied on the git mirror to a zarf-specific branch name based on the SHA hash (e.g. the SHA c74e2e9626da0400e0a41e78319b3054c53a5d4e will be pushed to the zarf-ref-c74e2e9626da0400e0a41e78319b3054c53a5d4e branch). This ensures that this tag will be pushed and received properly by the airgap git server.

- name: specific-hash
# The following performs a SHA Git Repo Mirror with `go-git` (internal to Zarf)
# The following performs a SHA Git Repo Mirror forcing a fallback to host `git`
# YAML keys starting with `x-` are custom keys that are ignored by the Zarf CLI
# The `x-mdx` key is used to render the markdown content for
x-mdx: |
To learn more about how Zarf handles `git` repositories, see the [Git Repositories section](/ref/components/#git-repositories) of the package components documentation.

If you need even more control, Zarf also supports providing full git refspecs, as seen in This allows you to pull specific tags or branches by using this standard. The branch name used by zarf on deploy will depend on the kind of ref specified, branches will use the upstream branch name, whereas other refs (namely tags) will use the zarf-ref-* branch name.

Full clones are used in this example with the stefanprodan/podinfo repository and follow the scheme://host/repo format ( Full clones will contain all branches and tags in the mirrored repository rather than any one specific tag.

- name: full-repo
# The following performs a full Git Repo Mirror with `go-git` (internal to Zarf)
# The following performs a full Git Repo Mirror forcing a fallback to host `git`

Field Type Description
dataInjections array Datasets to inject into a container in the target cluster
- name: kiwix-serve
required: true
- name: kiwix-serve
namespace: kiwix
- manifests/persistence.yaml
- manifests/deployment.yaml
- manifests/service.yaml
- alpine:3.18
# Add new data into the cluster, these will keep trying up until their timeout
# Injection in the data directory using the data-loader init container
- source: zim-data
namespace: kiwix
selector: app=kiwix-serve
container: data-loader
path: /data
compress: true
# Download a .zim file of a DevOps Stack Exchange snapshot into the data directory for use with Kiwix
- cmd: curl -o zim-data/devops.stackexchange.com_en_all_2023-05.zim
# Below are some more examples of *.zim files of available content:
# NOTE: If `zarf package create`ing regularly you should mirror content to a web host you control to be a friendly neighbor
# YAML keys starting with `x-` are custom keys that are ignored by the Zarf CLI
# The `x-mdx` key is used to render the markdown content for
x-mdx: |
This example shows Zarf's ability to inject data into a container running in a pod, in this case to initialize a [Kiwix server]( to allow offline viewing of documentation and wiki pages.
Data injections allow for data that is not included in the container image to be injected at deploy time and are declared using the `dataInjections` key within a component. Once the specified container is started, Zarf will copy the files and folders from the specified source into the specified container and path.
Data injections depend on the `tar` (and for `compress`, `gzip`) executables and their implementation across operating systems. Between macOS and Linux there is general agreement on how these utilities should function, however on Windows you may see issues enabling compression.
To resolve this you can either disable compression or use the GNU core-utils version of `tar` and `gzip`.

Field Type Description
import object Import a component from another Zarf package

The import key in Zarf supports two modes to pull in a component:

  1. The path key allows you to specify a path to a directory that contains the zarf.yaml that you wish to import on your local filesystem. This allows you to have a common component that you can reuse across multiple packages within a project (i.e. within one team/codebase).

  2. The url key allows you to specify an oci:// URL to a skeleton package that was published to an OCI registry. Skeleton packages are special package bundles that contain the zarf.yaml package definition and any local files referenced by that definition at publish time. This allows you to version a set of reusable components and import them into multiple packages across projects (i.e. across teams/codebases).

- name: local-games-path
# The component logic keys ('required', 'group', and 'default') always override those of the imported package
required: true
# group: "" # the initial value overrides the child component
# default: false # the initial value overrides the child component
description: "Example of a local composed package with a unique description for this component"
# The local relative path to the folder containing this component's package definition
path: ../dos-games
# Example optional custom name to point to in the imported package (default is to use this component's name)
name: baseline
# 'name'd Zarf primitives will merge the arrays together on import:
# - 'manifests' of the same name will merge namespace, files and kustomizations
# - 'charts' of the same name will merge namespace, releaseName and valuesFiles
# Zarf primitives without matching 'name's will be appended to the end of the primitive's list for that component.
- name: multi-games
- quake-service.yaml

When merging components together Zarf will adopt the following strategies depending on the kind of primitive (files, required, manifests) that it is merging:

Component Behaviorname, group, default, requiredThese keys control how Zarf interacts with a given component and will always take the value of the overriding component
Component DescriptiondescriptionThis key will only take the value of the overriding component if it is not empty
Cosign Key PathcosignKeyPath[Deprecated] This key will only take the value of the overriding component if it is not empty
Un’name’d Primitive Arraysactions, dataInjections, files, images, reposThese keys will append the overriding component’s version of the array to the end of the base component’s array
’name’d Primitive Arrayscharts, manifestsFor any given element in the overriding component, if the element matches based on name then its values will be merged with the base element of the same name. If not then the element will be appended to the end of the array

Field Type Description
extensions object Extend component functionality with additional features
- name: bigbang
required: true
- cmd: |
./zarf tools kubectl patch helmrelease -n bigbang bigbang --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"suspend":true}}'
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang istio --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang istio-operator --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang monitoring --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete providers grafana -n monitoring --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete alerts grafana -n monitoring --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang promtail --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang loki --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete kiali -n kiali kiali --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang tempo --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang neuvector --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete neuvector-validating-crd-webhook --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang kyverno-reporter --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang kyverno-policies --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang kyverno --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete kyverno-policy-validating-webhook-cfg kyverno-resource-validating-webhook-cfg --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang kiali --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete helmrelease -n bigbang metrics-server --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete -l, --ignore-not-found
./zarf tools kubectl delete gitrepositories -n bigbang -l
description: "Cleaning up Big Bang resources"
# renovate: datasource=gitlab-releases depName=big-bang/bigbang versioning=semver registryUrl=
version: 2.19.2
# Istio configs
- config/ingress.yaml
# Use Kyverno instead of Gatekeeper
- config/kyverno.yaml
# Use PLG instead of EFK
- config/loki.yaml
# Needed when running in k3s. Otherwise Neuvector fails to start with an error saying it can't detect its runtime
- config/neuvector.yaml
# Values are merged in order, so this would override the above and disable everything if uncommented
# - config/disable-all.yaml

When deploying a Zarf package, components are deployed in the order they are defined in the zarf.yaml.

The zarf.yaml configuration for each component also defines whether the component is ‘required’ or not. ‘Required’ components are always deployed without any additional user interaction while optional components are printed out in an interactive prompt asking the user if they wish to the deploy the component.

If you already know which components you want to deploy, you can do so without getting prompted by passing the components as a comma-separated list to the --components flag during the deploy command.

Terminal window
# deploy all required components, prompting for optional components and variables
$ zarf package deploy ./path/to/package.tar.zst
# deploy all required components, ignoring optional components and variable prompts
$ zarf package deploy ./path/to/package.tar.zst --confirm
# deploy optional-component-1 and optional-component-2 components whether they are required or not
$ zarf package deploy ./path/to/package.tar.zst --components=optional-component-1,optional-component-2